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March 2003

March 01, 2003

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A Kuro5hin hi ha un interessant debat sobre els nous telèfons amb càmera fotogràfica i el dret a la privacitat de les persones. A la xarxa ja hi ha llocs on publiquen fotos sense el permís dels fotografiats. Un tema del qual sentirem parlar molt.

Escrit per CENT - Jordi Adell | 0 comment(s)

March 03, 2003

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A New Zealand company's twist on free-space optics -- which broadcasts data over visible light spectrum -- promises to make wireless data transfer faster and cheaper. It can even beam high-quality video. Kim Griggs reports from Hamilton, New Zealand. [Wired News]

Escrit per CENT - Carles Bellver | 0 comment(s)

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Un autobús escolar ofereix connexió a Internet mentre replega alumnes i els porta a l'escola a l'Illa de Man tot aprofitant que ja disfruten de telèfons de la tercera generació BBC [elearningpost].

Escrit per CENT - Jordi Adell | 0 comment(s)

March 04, 2003

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Les universitats de Harvard i Stanford han encetat projectes per tal d'oferir a estudiants, professors i personal blogs institucionals. Entre les raons, Stanford cita els blogs com una eina per al suport d'equips de treball multidisciplinar. Actualment Stanford avalaa Movable Type (la eina que hi ha baix d'aquest mateix blog). Harvard fa servir Manila.

Escrit per CENT - Jordi Adell | 0 comment(s)

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Why Content Management Software Hasn't Worked

Stephen Downes (OLDaily) no desaprofita l'ocasió :-) :
The same could be said of the LCMS industry:
"Content management software hasn't worked because it
was badly designed and massively over-hyped. Software
companies lied about their products, charging criminal
prices for crap software. It hasn't worked because
organizations didn't understand content. They wanted a
quick fix. They issued specifications that bore little
relation to what they actually needed." By Gerry
McGovern, New Thinking, March 3, 2003
[ href="http://www.downes.ca/cgi-bin/website/refer.cgi?item=1046664549&sender=SENDER"
class="Troll">Refer][ href="http://www.downes.ca/cgi-bin/website/research.cgi?item=1046664549"
class="Troll">Research][ href="http://www.downes.ca/cgi-bin/clist/clist.cgi?topic=1046664549&db=Link&key=1046664549&reply=new"
class="Troll">Reflect] [OLDaily]

Escrit per CENT - Jordi Adell | 0 comment(s)

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Tales of the Disappearing Computer no és un conte de ciència ficció, sinó una conferència organitzada per The Disappearing Computer, iniciativa finançada per la Unió Europea que es planteja d'esbrinar «com les tecnologies de la informació es poden difondre dins dels objectes i escenaris quotidians, i com això ens pot conduir a noves maneres de recolzar i millorar la vida de la gent que vagen més enllà del que és possible fer avui amb els ordinadors». També ho anomenen així: «interactive ubiquitous computing systems». Potser sí que és ciència ficció. Fa por i tot!

La conferència ha de servir per debatre sobre aquests assumptes. Tindrà lloc a Santorini, Grècia, els dies 1 a 4 de juny de 2003.

Escrit per CENT - Carles Bellver | 0 comment(s)

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Luis Ángel Fernández Hermana dedica el darrer editorial d'en.red.ando als weblogs contra la guerra: «Centenars de milers d'internautes han convertit aquest nou mitjà de comunicació en el seu principal parapet, i alhora ariet d'atac, enfront la invasió mediàtica que se'ls acosta. Els webblogs dedicats a desentranyar les claus d'aquest moment històric (i histèric) tiren fum.» (Fernández Hermana, Als warblogs!).

Escrit per CENT - Carles Bellver | 0 comment(s)

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MacSlash publica una entrevista a Brent Simmons, el creador de NetNewsWire, una de les aplicacions favorites dels autors d'aquest blog.

(Per cert, està subscrit a 147 canals RSS!!!. Si 75 son impossibles de seguir!!!).

Escrit per CENT - Jordi Adell | 0 comment(s)

March 05, 2003

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Article curt de George Siemmens sobre la història dels moviments del programari lliure i el codi obert amb cites de Stallman, Raymond and Torvalds. Cita:
"The climate in software development in
1984 is being mimicked in education today - closing doors,
content as individual property, proprietary offerings, and
for-profit challenges to the education environment."

La segona part (8 de març) tractarà sobre els continguts educatius i anunciarà la formació d'una organització per a promoure el desenvolupament de continguts de "codi obert".
George Siemens, elearnspace, March
3, 2003
[ href="http://www.downes.ca/cgi-bin/website/refer.cgi?item=1046779690&sender=SENDER"
class="Troll">Refer][ href="http://www.downes.ca/cgi-bin/website/research.cgi?item=1046779690"
class="Troll">Research][ href="http://www.downes.ca/cgi-bin/clist/clist.cgi?topic=1046779690&db=Link&key=1046779690&reply=new"
class="Troll">Reflect] [OLDaily]

Escrit per CENT - Jordi Adell | 0 comment(s)

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FOS News:

You've probably heard that in the last two weeks Overture has bought both Alta Vista and FAST's AllTheWeb. Overture leads the search category that it calls "pay-for-performance", but which should be called "pay-for-rank", "money-before-relevance", or "lucrative distortion". Until now, Alta Vista and AllTheWeb were two of the best uncorrupted search engines, but definitely under the shadow of Google. In today's Information Today, Barbara Quint makes clear what many of us feared, and what earlier reports couldn't confirm, namely, that Overture will not only merge Alta Vista and AllTheWeb but convert them to the pay-for-rank model. This will make them as good as useless for research, and reduce the competition among objective search engines. Fortunately, Google is financially secure and publicly committed to resist the pay-for-rank model. Of course, serious scholarly search tends to use specialized search engines, such as those customized for OAI-compliant archives. But Google and its former competitors were the best hope for the billions of pages not within the scope of the specialized search engines. More coverage. [FOS News]

Escrit per CENT - Jordi Adell | 0 comment(s)

March 06, 2003

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Informàtica, o metafísica? What are the differences between a vocabulary, a taxonomy, a thesaurus, an ontology, and a meta-model? [metamodel.com]

Escrit per CENT - Carles Bellver | 0 comment(s)

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Últimament s'està comentant molt la possibilitat que Apple oferisca música de pagament a través de l'iTunes. Aquest article de Wired passa revista a la qüestió: Apple Bites Into Music Downloads?

Escrit per CENT - Carles Bellver | 0 comment(s)

March 07, 2003

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The Inquirer informa que Sony ha lanzado un nuevo "music player" (el HBM-30) que funciona sin cables y "habla" con tu móvil Bluetooth (seguramente los de Sony Ericsson). Por ejemplo, la música se detiene cuando suena el teléfono y continúa cuando se cuelga o en su pantalla se puede ver quien llama. Su capacidad de almacenamiento es de 64 Mb. Magia: los cacharros empiezan a hablar entre sí.
[Hack the Planet]

Escrit per CENT - Jordi Adell | 0 comment(s)

[Imported from Sierto 1.0]

Barrapunto: La compañía Telefónica de España está preparando su entrada en el mercado transmisión de datos sin cables a través del estándar Wi-Fi, que permite la conexión de los ordenadores con Internet a alta velocidad a través de las llamadas redes locales inalámbricas, según han confirmado fuentes de esta operadora». Según dicha nota, Telefónica y Cisco llevan seis meses trabajando en la instalación de puntos de acceso en España.

news.google.com / Scitech
Wi-Fi hot spot company Megabeam has been acquired by Swisscom. Financial details of the deal have not been disclosed but the telco has also bought German public wireless LAN provider WLAN AG to gain a wider pan-European footprint.

Bussinessweek: The race to provide broadband wireless Internet access at specific locations such as airports, hotels, train stations and coffee shops is now on. Megabeam is a major European provider of such access, using the 802.11b standard commonly known as Wi-Fi. It competes with BT Openzone and other operators, including a U.K. network launched yesterday and dubbed "The Cloud."


orldwide specialist wireless providers and other service providers--including traditional telecommunications companies and mobile operators such as T-Mobile--are competing with free services from "freedom-fighter" providers or even from companies unwittingly allowing people to use their networks.

Escrit per CENT - Jordi Adell | 0 comment(s)

March 11, 2003

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Vilaweb ens conta l'última de l'SGAE:

L'SGAE vol cobrar per l''Avertefué'

Segons que informa avui el diari Vieiros, la Societat General d'Autors i Editors (SGAE) s'ha interessat per la famossísim animació en flash ‘Avertefué', de les ‘Fuetchup'. L'animació, un dels arxius que més ha circulat darrerament a la xarxa, és una paròdia de la gestió de la catàstrofe del Prestige que fa servir un fons musical basat en el tema ‘Aserejé' del grup ‘Las Ketchup'. L'SGAE ha comunicat a la web marcianos.net que han de pagar 390 euros al mes o retirar l'animanció. Marcianos.net diu que no pensa retirar-la, que es tracta d'un cas de dret a la paròdia i que l'SGAE fa ‘censura política de la xarxa'. Han penjat a la web l'intercanvi de correus amb l'SGAE.

L'SGAE fa una campanya de protecció dels drets de la propietat intel·lectual força polèmica. Dins d'aquesta ‘lluita contra el piratatge i persecució del delicte' ha instituït el ‘dia sense música. Dins els primers Big Brother Awards Spain va rebre el premi d'elecció popular, que van votar els internautes.

Escrit per CENT - Carles Bellver | 0 comment(s)

[Imported from Sierto 1.0]

La CNN aprova els blogs: Blogging goes mainstream («Success of Web journals heralds an even bigger future»).

Escrit per CENT - Carles Bellver | 0 comment(s)

[Imported from Sierto 1.0]

Mitch Kapor, who cofounded EFF, has resigned from the board of Ray Ozzie's Groove, and the NYT says it's because Groove is being used by the Feds as part of its Total Information Awareness program.

LinkDiscuss [Boing Boing Blog]

Escrit per CENT - Jordi Adell | 0 comment(s)

[Imported from Sierto 1.0]

En una entrevista el ciber-activista de la EEF i vell amic nostre [vegeu video] :-) John Perry Barlow parle sobre la DMR (Digital Rights Management).

Cita: " I fear that Digital Rights Management today is Political Rights Management tomorrow".

Font: [Slashdot]

Escrit per CENT - Jordi Adell | 0 comment(s)

March 13, 2003

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Frog Design and Motorola today unveiled the "Offspring" concept design for a set of wearable devices. The individual pieces communicate via Bluetooth. A central device - the WDA - serves as the hub, and provides a wireless connection to an iDEN network. The design is only a concept at this point, although Motorola is preparing for user testing, and plans to bring a product based on the design to market within two years.

Escrit per CENT - Jordi Adell | 0 comment(s)

[Imported from Sierto 1.0]

Intel anuncia un nou xip amb funcionalitat "sense-fils" incorporada.

Google News

Escrit per CENT - Jordi Adell | 0 comment(s)

[Imported from Sierto 1.0]

A group of virus writers from India unleashes a new variant of the Yaha computer virus, apparently in retaliation against Pakistani hackers (sic) who they say are defacing Indian websites. Pity the poor Internet users caught in the crossfire. By Michelle Delio.
[Wired News]

Escrit per CENT - Jordi Adell | 0 comment(s)

March 17, 2003

[Imported from Sierto 1.0]

John Hiler analitza i teoritza en Microcontent News sobre els patrons de difusió d'idees dins de la comunitat de weblogs i més enllà dels límits estrictes d'aquesta comunitat: The Tipping Blog, «How Weblogs Can Turn an Idea into an Epidemic» (com els weblogs poden convertir una idea en una epidèmia).

Escrit per CENT - Carles Bellver | 0 comment(s)

[Imported from Sierto 1.0]

La redacció de Wired imagina uns quants trastos per al 2013: Future Fetish («In 10 years of technolust, Wired magazine editors have found plenty of gear that gets their pulse racing. But they always want more. Here's a wish list for 2013. By Sonia Zjawinski from Wired magazine.»).

Escrit per CENT - Carles Bellver | 0 comment(s)

March 18, 2003

[Imported from Sierto 1.0]

Today SourceForge.net added project RSS feeds to the hosting services they provide. You can now easily track various project information: News items, DocManager updates, new File releases, and Summary information.

Project RSS Feeds: leaf

Additional information on the new RSS feeds provided by SourceForge is explained in the document below.

Information regarding SourceForge.net-provided RSS feeds
http://sourceforge.net/docman/display_doc.php?docid=15483& [SourceForge.net Project News]

Escrit per CENT - Jordi Adell | 0 comment(s)

March 20, 2003

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Yahoo reports that France Telecom and Intel have agreed to finance a $7.2 million investment in Jabber, Inc. [Jabber Software Foundation News]

Escrit per CENT - Jordi Adell | 0 comment(s)

March 22, 2003

[Imported from Sierto 1.0]

Una idea interessant:

Jogger. Powered by Jabber, this new weblog service (or blog) allows anyone to update their own personal journal through a normal Jabber client. Jogger is intended to demonstrate how Jabber can be used as a platform for application communication. We're working to bring it up to par with other blogging services by developing jogger into a service that the Jabber community will be able to use easily and reliably. Jabber users can use jogger as a device to keep track of development progress as well as personal events, thoughts and ramblings. Anyone with a Jabber account can get started with jogger by following these simple directions:

The easiest way to interact with jogger is to first add it to your roster -- since it's a server-side component, you can subscribe to any address @jogger.jabber.linux.it. Personally I subscribed to jogger@jogger.jabber.linux.it, which might actually be its official address in a few days. Then you can just send messages to that address and they'll magically show up at http://jabber.linux.it/jogger/, as well as at your personal page of the form http://jabber.linux.it/jogger/user.php?jid=username@host (e.g., Md's jog is at http://jabber.linux.it/jogger/user.php?jid=md@jabber.linux.it). So give it a whirl!

Jogger is released under the General Public License (GPL) and is available from the JabberStudio CVS repository under the module name jogger.


Escrit per CENT - Jordi Adell | 0 comment(s)

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Microsoft Corp. has released a patch for a critical vulnerability in every version of Windows from 98 forward. [news.google.com / Scitech].

M$ sempre a la avantguarda de la tecnologia.

Escrit per CENT - Jordi Adell | 0 comment(s)

[Imported from Sierto 1.0]

Article sobre com montar una xarxa sense fils 802.11b a casa, per Wei Meng Lee. [O'Reilly Network Articles]

Escrit per CENT - Jordi Adell | 0 comment(s)

[Imported from Sierto 1.0]

Literal: "La página web del CSIC ha sido crackeada esta noche, han puesto una foto de Hitler, Mussolini y Franco junto a Bush, Blair y Aznar en la que se puede leer "La historia se repite, no a la guerra". También han colocado este mensaje: "Basta ya de tanto servilismo, basta ya de hacer tanto el ridículo, basta ya de jugar con la vida de inocentes, basta ya de hacer oídos sordos a lo que el pueblo está pidiendo a gritos, basta ya de gobernantes que utilizan la razón de las armas para justificar libertades y seguridades. Basta ya de hipocresía." Además de un mensaje para el administrador diciendole que sólo han renombrado la página original." ¿Alguien que viera la página a tiempo ha puesto un mirror? Que lo deje en los comentarios.
Aquí está la página.

Escrit per CENT - Jordi Adell | 0 comment(s)

[Imported from Sierto 1.0]

FOS News publica la seguent història:

Another journal declares independence from Elsevier....Until this month, the European Economic Review was the official journal of the European Economic Association (EEA). Elsevier has published the journal since 1969, before the EEA adopted it. But over the years, the EEA grew increasingly unhappy with Elsevier's subscription price (now $950/year for libraries) and its requirement that the publisher, not the association, hire the journal's editors. So in 2001 the EEA started the process of declaring independence. This month MIT Press will launch the Journal of the European Economic Association. The new journal will have a much lower price ($325/year for libraries) and be owned by the EEA. For more details, see the new journal's page on its own history, the EEA's press release, or David Glenn's story in the March 21 issue of the Chronicle of Higher Education (accessible only to CHE subscribers). For precedents, see my list of journal declarations of independence. [FOS News]

Escrit per CENT - Jordi Adell | 0 comment(s)

[Imported from Sierto 1.0]

ERIC is in jeopardy. A project of the U.S. Department of Education (DOE), ERIC is the Educational Resources Information Center, and by far the most the comprehensive and venerable open-access resource in the field of education. The problem in a nutshell is that the ERIC Clearinghouses, which collect and index the material in the ERIC database, come up for reauthorization this year. But the DOE offices that oversee ERIC and its Clearinghouses are being reorganized, and the current plan shrinks the ERIC system and eliminates some of the Clearinghouses. Kate Corby has created an extremely useful web page on the threat to ERIC, covering all the relevant issues, players, actions, and dates. See her page, especially her log of open letters, for ideas on how to help ERIC survive.

The problem isn't exactly like last November's defunding of PubScience, which was the result of a deliberate, anti-FOS lobbying campaign by a trade association of commercial electronic publishers. But the effect might be the the defunding of another government-supported open-access resource, this time a much more significant one. ERIC is older, larger, and much better entrenched in its niche than PubScience was. It was launched in 1966, tying with Medline as the oldest known open-access initiative. ERIC is "the largest education database in the world --containing more than 1 million records of journal articles, research reports, curriculum and teaching guides, conference papers, and books." [FOS News]

Escrit per CENT - Jordi Adell | 0 comment(s)

March 23, 2003

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Douglas Adams used the term Babel Fish in Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy to describe a small fish that slithered into your ear and enabled you to hear other languages, even dreaded Vogon poetry. Altavista later used the name for their translation service on the web. The latter isn't even up to par with bad human translators yet, though. Wired reports on the development of a gadget that translates speech with just a two second delay. The device is being tested by the Office of Naval Research. The device is about a year away from being able to be used by soldiers on the field. [Kuro5hin.org]

Escrit per CENT - Jordi Adell | 0 comment(s)

March 25, 2003

[Imported from Sierto 1.0]

Els autors de Movable Type han fet una guia sobre com funciona TrackBack, un sistema obert de notificació entre blogs.

Escrit per CENT - Jordi Adell | 0 comment(s)

March 28, 2003

[Imported from Sierto 1.0]

El colectivo Wu Ming está estos dias por Madrid (Jornadas sobre copyleft) y Barcelona (he perdido la referencia, pero dan una charla en barna, lo juro). Algunos textos interesantes: una entrevista sobre la propiedad intelectual, Copyright y maremoto o Wu Ming, las historias como hachas de guerra (por Amador Fernández-Savater). Pero mejor, directos a las fuentes y bajarse algunos de sus libros (hay traducciones de algunos). O comprarlos: pasta bien empleada :-)

La gira:

Charla: "Copyright y maremoto"

Sábado 29/03 - 11.30 am - La Casa Encendida (Ronda de Valencia 2, 28012 Madrid)

Charla: "Acción política y guerrilla de la comunicación"

Lunes 31/03 - 19.30 pm - Traficanes de Sueños (Hortaleza 19 1º dcha, 28004 Madrid) - 91 532 09 28

Charla: "Narración, autonomía, multitud"

Martes 01/04 - MACBA (Plaça dels Àngels 1, 08001 Barcelona)

Escrit per CENT - Jordi Adell | 0 comment(s)

[Imported from Sierto 1.0]

Hola lector,

Si lees esto, pon algo en los comentarios. De hecho, el presupuesto básico es que no lo lee nadie. Si no es así, habrá algunos cambios (no se cuales, pero alguno se me ocurrirá). Di algo, venga.



Escrit per CENT - Jordi Adell | 0 comment(s)

March 31, 2003

[Imported from Sierto 1.0]

Ya está disponible la versión 3.2 de Knoppix (Linux instantáneo). La página en castellano todavía no está actualizada (a 31/3/03 a las 2:08 AM). Lo esta´ra en breve, seguramente.

Escrit per CENT - Jordi Adell | 0 comment(s)

[Imported from Sierto 1.0]

Segons Macromedia, el futur d'Internet serà tant online com offline, o no serà:MACROMEDIA UNVEILS FUTURE DIRECTION FOR INTERNET APPLICATIONS. Macromedia Central provides environment to deliver Internet applications in an online and offline world.

FlashForward 2003 San Francisco -March 27, 2003- Macromedia, Inc. (Nasdaq: MACR) today announced Macromedia Central, which extends Macromedia Flash beyond the browser and provides a streamlined way for users to interact with information while freeing them from relying on an Internet connection. Macromedia Flash developers will be able to immediately leverage their existing skills to create and sell applications for this new environment, which is expected to launch this summer. For more information on Macromedia Central, go to www.macromedia.com/go/central.

Escrit per CENT - Carles Bellver | 0 comment(s)