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CENT :: Blog :: El futur d'Internet segons Macromedia

March 31, 2003

[Imported from Sierto 1.0]

Segons Macromedia, el futur d'Internet serà tant online com offline, o no serà:MACROMEDIA UNVEILS FUTURE DIRECTION FOR INTERNET APPLICATIONS. Macromedia Central provides environment to deliver Internet applications in an online and offline world.

FlashForward 2003 San Francisco -March 27, 2003- Macromedia, Inc. (Nasdaq: MACR) today announced Macromedia Central, which extends Macromedia Flash beyond the browser and provides a streamlined way for users to interact with information while freeing them from relying on an Internet connection. Macromedia Flash developers will be able to immediately leverage their existing skills to create and sell applications for this new environment, which is expected to launch this summer. For more information on Macromedia Central, go to www.macromedia.com/go/central.

Escrit per CENT - Carles Bellver

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