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CENT :: Blog :: Jogger: A Jabber powered weblog

March 21, 2003

[Imported from Sierto 1.0]

Una idea interessant:

Jogger. Powered by Jabber, this new weblog service (or blog) allows anyone to update their own personal journal through a normal Jabber client. Jogger is intended to demonstrate how Jabber can be used as a platform for application communication. We're working to bring it up to par with other blogging services by developing jogger into a service that the Jabber community will be able to use easily and reliably. Jabber users can use jogger as a device to keep track of development progress as well as personal events, thoughts and ramblings. Anyone with a Jabber account can get started with jogger by following these simple directions:

The easiest way to interact with jogger is to first add it to your roster -- since it's a server-side component, you can subscribe to any address @jogger.jabber.linux.it. Personally I subscribed to jogger@jogger.jabber.linux.it, which might actually be its official address in a few days. Then you can just send messages to that address and they'll magically show up at http://jabber.linux.it/jogger/, as well as at your personal page of the form http://jabber.linux.it/jogger/user.php?jid=username@host (e.g., Md's jog is at http://jabber.linux.it/jogger/user.php?jid=md@jabber.linux.it). So give it a whirl!

Jogger is released under the General Public License (GPL) and is available from the JabberStudio CVS repository under the module name jogger.


Escrit per CENT - Jordi Adell

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