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CENT :: Blog :: Telefónicas y Wi-Fi: parece que esto va en serio

March 07, 2003

[Imported from Sierto 1.0]

Barrapunto: La compañía Telefónica de España está preparando su entrada en el mercado transmisión de datos sin cables a través del estándar Wi-Fi, que permite la conexión de los ordenadores con Internet a alta velocidad a través de las llamadas redes locales inalámbricas, según han confirmado fuentes de esta operadora». Según dicha nota, Telefónica y Cisco llevan seis meses trabajando en la instalación de puntos de acceso en España.

news.google.com / Scitech
Wi-Fi hot spot company Megabeam has been acquired by Swisscom. Financial details of the deal have not been disclosed but the telco has also bought German public wireless LAN provider WLAN AG to gain a wider pan-European footprint.

Bussinessweek: The race to provide broadband wireless Internet access at specific locations such as airports, hotels, train stations and coffee shops is now on. Megabeam is a major European provider of such access, using the 802.11b standard commonly known as Wi-Fi. It competes with BT Openzone and other operators, including a U.K. network launched yesterday and dubbed "The Cloud."


orldwide specialist wireless providers and other service providers--including traditional telecommunications companies and mobile operators such as T-Mobile--are competing with free services from "freedom-fighter" providers or even from companies unwittingly allowing people to use their networks.

Escrit per CENT - Jordi Adell

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