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February 2003

February 13, 2003

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Quote: "Dspace@Cambridge will allow academics to pool resources, including theses, technical reports and archives, with formats ranging from databases to multimedia clips and teaching material."http://education.guardian.co.uk/elearning/story/0,10577,893541,00.html
[Serious Instructional Technology]

Keywords: Repositoris

Escrit per CENT - Jordi Adell | 0 comment(s)

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Free Online Scholarship (FOS)

Peter Suber recomana aquestes fonts d'informació sobre el moviment FOS

a The Infography

Six Superlative


• Declan Butler and Philip Campbell (eds.), Future E-Access to the Primary Literature, Nature, February 14, 2001-present. A wide-ranging debate comprising nearly 50 papers. http://www.nature.com/nature/debates/e-access/index.html

• Raym Crow, "The Case for Institutional Repositories: A SPARC Position Paper," SPARC, August 27, 2002. http://www.arl.org/sparc/IR/ir.html

• Jean-Claude Guédon, "In Oldenburg's Long Shadow: Librarians, Research Scientists, Publishers, and the Control of Scientific Publishing," Creating the Digital Future: Proceedings of the 138th Annual Meeting of the Association of Research Libraries, 2001. http://www.arl.org/arl/proceedings/138/guedon.html

• Stevan Harnad, "For Whom the Gate Tolls? How and Why to Free the Refereed Research Literature Online through Author/Institution Self-Archiving, Now," 2001 http://www.ecs.soton.ac.uk/~harnad/Tp/resolution.htm

• Andrew Odlyzko, "Tragic Loss or Good Riddance? The Impending Demise of Traditional Scholarly Journals," International Journal of Human Computer Studies, 42 (1995) pp. 71-122. http://www.dtc.umn.edu/~odlyzko/doc/tragic.loss.txt

• Thomas J. Walker, "Free Internet Access to Traditional Journals," American Scientist, 86, 5 (September-October 1998). http://www.amsci.org/amsci/articles/98articles/walker.html

Other Excellent Sources


American Scientist E-Print Forum. Also called the September98 Forum. http://www.cogsci.soton.ac.uk/~harnad/Hypermail/Amsci/subject.html

BioMed Central. http://www.biomedcentral.com/

The Budapest Open Access Initiative. http://www.soros.org/openaccess/

DSpace. http://www.dspace.org/

GNU EPrints. http://software.eprints.org/

Open Archives Initiative. http://www.openarchives.org/

Public Library of Science. http://www.publiclibraryofscience.org/

The Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition (SPARC). http://www.arl.org/sparc/


• Steven Bachrach, et al., "Who Should Own Scientific Papers?" Science Magazine, 281, 5382 (September 4, 1998) pp. 1459-1460. http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/full/281/5382/1459

• Charles W. Bailey, Jr., "Scholarly Electronic Publishing Bibliography." http://info.lib.uh.edu/sepb/sepb.html

• Alison Buckholtz, "Returning Scientific Publishing to Scientists," The Journal of Electronic Publishing, 7, 1 (August 2001). http://www.press.umich.edu/jep/07-01/buckholtz.html

• Gordon Fletcher, "Averting the Crisis in Medical Publishing: Open Access Journals," Health Information on the Internet, December 2002. http://www.biomedcentral.com/html/info/about/FletcherHOITI.pdf

• Paul Ginsparg, "Creating a Global Knowledge Network: Don't Just Clone the Paper Methodology," Freedom of Information Conference 2000. http://www.biomedcentral.com/meetings/2000/foi/editorials/ginsparg

• Paul Ginsparg, "Winners and Losers in the Global Research Village," UNESCO Conference: Electronic Publishing in Science, February 21, 1996. http://xxx.lanl.gov/blurb/pg96unesco.html

• Fiona Godlee, Richard Horton, and Richard Smith, "Global Information Flow: Publishers Should Provide Information Free to Resource Poor Countries," BMJ, 321 (September 30, 2000) pp. 776-777. http://bmj.com/cgi/content/full/321/7264/776?maxtoshow

• Stevan Harnad, "Advancing Science by Self-Archiving Refereed Research," Science, dEbates, July 31, 1999. http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/eletters/285/5425/197#11

• Stevan Harnad, "E-Knowledge: Freeing the Refereed Journal Corpus Online," Computer Law and Security Report 16, 2 (2000) pp. 78-87. http://www.cogsci.soton.ac.uk/~harnad/Papers/Harnad/harnad00.scinejm.

• Stevan Harnad, "Free at Last: The Future of Peer-Reviewed Journals," D-Lib Magazine, 5, 12 (December 1999). http://www.dlib.org/dlib/december99/12harnad.html

• Stevan Harnad, "How to Fast-Forward Serials to the Inevitable and the Optimal for Scholars and Scientists," Serials Librarian, 30 (1997) pp. 73-81. http://www.cogsci.soton.ac.uk/~harnad/Papers/Harnad/harnad97.learned.

• Stevan Harnad, "On-Line Journals and Financial Fire-Walls," Nature, 395, 6698 (September 10, 1998) pp. 127-128. http://www.cogsci.soton.ac.uk/~harnad/nature.html

• Stevan Harnad, "The PostGutenberg Galaxy: How to Get There from Here," Information Society, 11, 4 (1995) pp. 285-292. http://www.ecs.soton.ac.uk/~harnad/THES/thes.html

• Stevan Harnad, "The (Refereed) Literature-Liberation Movement," The New Scientist, 170, 2292 (2001) p. 53 (published as "In the Name of Freedom"). http://www.cogsci.soton.ac.uk/~harnad/Temp/newscientist.htm

• Stevan Harnad, "Scholarly Skywriting and the Prepublication Continuum of Scientific Inquiry," Psychological Science, 1 (1990) pp. 342-343. Reprinted in Current Contents, 45 (November 11, 1991) pp. 9-13. http://cogsci.soton.ac.uk/~harnad/Papers/Harnad/harnad90.skywriti

• Stevan Harnad, "The Author/Institution Self-Archiving Initiative to Free the Refereed Research Literature Online." http://www.ecs.soton.ac.uk/~harnad/Tp/selfarch.htm

• Stevan Harnad, "A Subversive Proposal," in Ann Okerson and James O'Donnell (eds.), Scholarly Journals at the Crossroads: A Subversive Proposal for Electronic Publishing, Association of Research Libraries, June 1995. http://www.arl.org/scomm/subversive/sub01.html

• Stevan Harnad, Les Carr, and Tim Brody, "How and Why To Free All Refereed Research from Access- and Impact-Barriers Online, Now," 2001. http://www.ecs.soton.ac.uk/~harnad/Tp/science.htm

• Stevan Harnad, Hal Varian, and Bob Parks, "Academic Publishing in the Online Era: What Will Be For-Fee and What Will Be For-Free?" Culture Machine, 2 (2000). http://www.cogsci.soton.ac.uk/~harnad/Temp/Varian/new1.htm

• Bernard Hibbitts, "Last Writes: Re-Assessing the Law Review in the Age of Cyberspace," New York University Law Review, 71 (1996) pp. 615ff. http://www.law.pitt.edu/hibbitts/lw_p1.htm

• Bernard Hibbitts, "Yesterday Once More," Akron Law Review, 30 (1996) pp. 267ff.http://www.law.pitt.edu/hibbitts/akron.htm

• Richard Johnson, "Institutional Repositories: Partnering with Faculty to Enhance Scholarly Communication," D-Lib Magazine, 8, 11 (November 2002). http://www.dlib.org/dlib/november02/johnson/11johnson.html

• Rob Kling, Lisa Spector, and Geoff McKim, "Locally Controlled Scholarly Publishing via the Internet: The Guild Model," The Journal of Electronic Publishing, 8, 1 (August 2002). http://www.press.umich.edu/jep/08-01/kling.html

• Myer Kutz, "The Scholars Rebellion against Scholarly Publishing Practices: Varmus, Vitek, and Venting," The Searcher, 10, 1 (January 2002). http://www.infotoday.com/searcher/jan02/kutz.htm

• Steve Lawrence, "Online or Invisible? Free Online Availability Substantially Increases a Paper's Impact," Nature, 411, 6837 (2001) p. 521. http://www.neci.nec.com/~lawrence/papers/online-nature01/

• James Morrison and Peter Suber, "The Free Online Scholarship Movement: An Interview with Peter Suber," Technology Source, September-October 2002. http://ts.mivu.org/default.asp?show=article&id=1025

• Andrew Odlyzko, "Competition and Cooperation: Libraries and Lublishers in the Transition to Electronic Scholarly Journals," Journal of Electronic Publishing, 4, 4 (June 1999). http://www.press.umich.edu/jep/04-04/odlyzko0404.html

• Andrew Odlyzko, "The Economics of Electronic Journals," First Monday, 2, 8 (August 1997). Also in R. Ekman and R. Quandt (eds.), Technology and Scholarly Communication, University of California Press, 1998. http://firstmonday.org/issues/issue2_8/odlyzko/index.html

• Andrew Odlyzko, "The Rapid Evolution of Scholarly Communication," Learned Publishing 15 (2002) pp. 7-19. http://www.si.umich.edu/PEAK-2000/odlyzko.pdf

• David E. Shulenburger, "Principles for a New System of Publishing for Science," UNESCO Conference: Electronic Publishing in Science, February 20-23, 2001. http://users.ox.ac.uk/~icsuinfo/shulenburgerppr.htm

• Ann Shumelda Okerson and James J. O'Donnell (eds.), Scholarly Journals at the Crossroads: A Subversive Proposal for Electronic Publishing, Association of Research Libraries, 1995. http://www.arl.org/scomm/subversive/toc.html

• Peter Suber, The Free Online Scholarship (FOS) Newsletter, March 2001-present. http://www.earlham.edu/~peters/fos/index.htm

• Peter Suber, FOS News: News from the Free Online Scholarship (FOS) Movement (a weblog), May 2002-present. http://www.earlham.edu/~peters/fos/fosblog.html

• Peter Suber, Guide to the Free Online Scholarship Movement. http://www.earlham.edu/~peters/fos/guide.htm

• Peter Suber, "Open Access to the Scientific Journal Literature," Journal of Biology, 1, 1 (June 2002) pp. 3f. http://www.earlham.edu/~peters/writing/jbiol.htm

• Peter Suber, "Removing the Barriers to Research: An Introduction to Open Access for Librarians," College and Research Libraries News, 64 (February 2003) pp. 92-94, 113. http://www.earlham.edu/~peters/writing/acrl.htm

• Peter Suber, Timeline of the Free Online Scholarship Movement. http://www.earlham.edu/~peters/fos/timeline.htm

• Peter Suber, "Where Does the Free Online Scholarship Movement Stand Today?" Cortex, 38, 2 (April 2002) pp. 261-64. http://www.earlham.edu/~peters/writing/cortex.htm

• Sam Vaknin, "Copyright Law and Free Online Scholarship: Interview with Peter Suber -- Part 1," "Copyright Law and Free Online Scholarship: Interview with Peter Suber -- Part 2," United Press International, February 19, 2002. http://www.upi.com/view.cfm?StoryID=15022002-015414-4119r and http://www.upi.com/view.cfm?StoryID=15022002-020541-2918r

• John Willinsky, "Copyright

Contradictions in Scholarly Publishing
," First Monday, 7, 11 (November 2002).


Escrit per CENT - Jordi Adell | 0 comment(s)

February 14, 2003

[Imported from Sierto 1.0]

Lund University is building a Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) with funding from the Open Society Institute and SPARC. The first phase of the project will provide "journal level" data and searching, the second phase "article level" data and searching. The directory itself is not yet online, but the DOAJ site contains useful background information and a form for suggesting journals to include. For more information see the press release. (PS: This is a major step, well-funded, and badly needed. Make sure that DOAJ knows about the OA journals in your field.) [FOS News]

Escrit per CENT - Jordi Adell | 0 comment(s)

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Wednesday, February 12, 2003 @ 10:40pm

TiVo is currently developing iTunes and iPhoto integration software for its Home Media solutions, as noted by MacNN reader Bob Hockman. An answer to a FAQ on the TiVo Web site reads: "We are currently working with Apple to provide complete integration with future versions of iTunes and iPhoto. Mac users running OS 10.2 (Jaguar) will be able to use their familiar iApps and easily add their TiVo Series2 to their Mac network. This will lead to exciting new services in the future as TiVo and Apple continue to work together. " In January, TiVo announced plans for Rendezvous-based file sharing.

Escrit per CENT - Jordi Adell | 0 comment(s)

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Journal of Digital Information announces
A SPECIAL ISSUE on Hypertext Criticism: Writing about Hypertext
(Volume 3, issue 3, January 2003)

Special issue Editors: Susana Tosca (IT University, Copenhagen) and Jill
Walker (University of Bergen)


Escrit per CENT - Jordi Adell | 0 comment(s)

[Imported from Sierto 1.0]

Version 2.6 of Movable Type is now released. This release adds the following major features: Text Formatting options. Support for... [Movable Type News]

Escrit per CENT - Jordi Adell | 0 comment(s)

February 15, 2003

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Exposing information resources for e-learning - Harvesting
and searching IMS metadata using the OAI Protocol for
Metadata Harvesting and Z39.50

The title is a mouthful, and the paper itself
is a pretty tough read, but the topic is of significant
important to those who work in educational metadata.
Essentially, the author describes mechanisms for using the
Open Archives Initiative (OAI) harvesting protocol for the
distribution and retrieval of IMS metadata. The idea is to
have a service provide - what I have been calling a
metadata repository - collect this information and offer
the capacity to search through results collected from a
variety of sources. By Steve Richardson and Andy Powell,
Ariadne, January 14, 2003


Escrit per CENT - Jordi Adell | 0 comment(s)

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La revista portuguesa MacMagazine.com.br ha publicado una entrevista a Brent Simmons, el autor de NetNewsWire (incluyendo una fotografía con su gato Papa).

Escrit per CENT - Jordi Adell | 0 comment(s)

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Konfabulator 1.0. Run custom Widgets on your desktop with this JavaScript runtime engine. [Mac OS X Hot Downloads]

Escrit per CENT - Jordi Adell | 0 comment(s)

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14 February 2003: Through joint efforts, the XQuery and XSL Working Groups have released the first public Working Drafts of XQuery and XPath Full-Text Requirements and Use Cases. The drafts describe the basis for full-text searching of XML text and documents. Comments are invited. Read about the XML Activity. (News archive) [The World Wide Web Consortium]

Escrit per CENT - Jordi Adell | 0 comment(s)

February 16, 2003

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Diuen que Google ha comprat Pyra Labs, és a dir Blogger.com, que se suposa que acull més de 200.000 weblogs. Més informació: Google Buys Pyra: Blogging Goes Big-Time.

Escrit per CENT - Carles Bellver | 0 comment(s)

February 17, 2003

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Un article a Wired (Internet Stokes Anti-War Movement) destaca el paper de la Internet en la coordinació de les massives manifestacions d'aquest passat cap de setmana als USA. Malauradament, per al que la Internet no pareix servir és per que els periodistes nord-americans consideren important o significatiu el que passa fora del seu pais.

Escrit per CENT - Jordi Adell | 0 comment(s)

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Aquesta notícia s'ha publicat en Wired, Vilaweb i en un munt de llocs: l'organització anglesa Privacy International ha convocat un premi a la mesura de seguretat més estúpida. Es poden enviar propostes a l'adreça stupidsecurity@privacy.org. La mesura guanyadora es coneixerà el dia 3 d'abril.

Escrit per CENT - Carles Bellver | 0 comment(s)

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Un article de Chronicle of Higher Education titulat "Control Issues. Microsoft's plan to improve computer security could set off fight over use of online materials" explica detalladament Palladium, la proposta de Microsoft per a tornar les coses al seu lloc:

"Palladium could create 'a closed system, in which each piece of knowledge in the world is identified with a particular owner, and that owner has a right to resist its copying, modification, and redistribution. In such a scenario the very concept of fair use has been lost.' 'Palladium will "turn the clock back" to the days before online information was widely available.' and 'Microsoft could decide to lock everything up.'"

Escrit per CENT - Jordi Adell | 0 comment(s)

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About my Guide to Philosophy on the Internet. The good news is that the ALA called it one of the Best Free Reference Web Sites of 2002. The bad news is that the press of other work has forced me to stop updating it. However, I'm leaving it online and its contents --purged of dead links and merged with the contents of Hippias and Noesis-- will reappear as part of the online library of philosophy of the International Association for Computing and Philosophy. [FOS News]

Escrit per CENT - Jordi Adell | 0 comment(s)

February 18, 2003

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J. Bradford DeLong va prendre algunes notes durant l'última conferència de Larry Page, el creador de Google:

It wasn't that we intended to build a search engine. We built a ranking system to deal with annotations. We wanted to annotate the web - build a system so that after you'd viewed a page you could click and see what smart comments other people had about it. But how do you decide who gets to annotate Yahoo? We needed to figure out how to choose which annotations people should look at, which meant that we needed to figure out which other sites contained comments we should classify as authoritative.

Hi ha qui es pregunta si aquesta intenció original pot tenir alguna relació amb la compra de Pyra/Blogger.

[Google Weblog]

Escrit per CENT - Carles Bellver | 0 comment(s)

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Out of Phone Numbers? Add Digits. North American telephone numbers might grow by two digits as early as 2005. Old-school telcos blame voiceover IP services for using up more than their share of 10-digit combinations. By Patrick Di Justo. [Wired News]

Escrit per CENT - Carles Bellver | 0 comment(s)

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Alguns enllaços sobre l'enigmàtica suma Google + Blogger, recopilats per Aaron Swartz (Google Weblog):

NYTimes: What if you could search blogs in real time?

Evan Williams: No, I'm not telling you how much.

Jason Kottke: Here's an early peek at what Blogger could look like.

Joey deVilla: Powered by Booger Pro

Evhead: evhead is out to lunch

Escrit per CENT - Carles Bellver | 0 comment(s)

[Imported from Sierto 1.0]

The multimedia presentations from the conference, Open Access to Scientific and Technical Information: State of the Art and Future Trends (Paris, January 23-24), are now online. This was one of the most important FOS conferences in a long time, and it's a joy to have 36 separate webcasts of the proceedings, as well as a good number of text files, PDF files, and PPT slides. [FOS News]

Escrit per CENT - Jordi Adell | 0 comment(s)

February 20, 2003

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David Stutz, un alt executiu de Microsoft, ha escrit una interesant carta de acomiadament al seu weblog titulada "Advice to Microsoft regarding commodity software".... [Sierto]

Escrit per CENT - Jordi Adell | 0 comment(s)

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Un article del Mercury News tracta sobre el paper que la industria del "entreteniment" vol fer que juguen les institucions educatives davant de la pirateria i sobre la opinió d'alguns educadors.

"Since October, when the recording industry urged 2,300 college presidents to treat online music piracy as they would the theft of a textbook from the campus bookstore, universities have responded with a vigor that makes some educators uncomfortable."

Escrit per CENT - Jordi Adell | 0 comment(s)

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España, en un modesto puesto 25 en el aprovechamiento de las Tecnologías de la Información

Libertad Digital

Finlandia ha superado a EEUU y encabeza actualmente la lista de países que más aprovechan las Tecnologías de la Información (TI), según un informe del Foro Económico Mundial. El estudio sitúa a España en un discreto puesto 25, por detrás de diez miembros de la UE y países como Estonia o Nueva Zelanda, entre otros.

Se trata del segundo informe de una serie que tendrá carácter anual y permitirá el seguimiento del progreso de los países desarrollados y en desarrollo en ese sector clave para el crecimiento económico, según ha explicado este miércoles el director ejecutivo del Foro, José María Figueres. La publicación conjunta del Foro Económico Mundial, el Programa de Información para el Desarrollo del Banco Mundial y la escuela francesa de ciencias empresariales INSEAD, clasifica un total de 82 economías (ranking en .pdf), según su grado de preparación para aprovechar al máximo los beneficios de esas nuevas tecnologías.

Finlandia ocupa el primer lugar absoluto del índice por sus excelentes resultados en el empleo de tecnologías tanto por los ciudadanos como por las empresas y el Gobierno, mientras que EEUU cae del primer al segundo lugar por ser menos competitivo en cuanto a conexiones y difusión de las TI, según ha informado la agencia Efe. Singapur ha dado un gran salto desde la octava a la tercera posición y es primera incluso en cuanto al marco regulatorio y político y a la disposición del Gobierno a emplear esas tecnologías tanto en sus procesos internos como en la oferta de servicios. Alemania ocupa el octavo puesto por disponibilidad de redes aunque es líder en lo que se refiere al empleo de esas tecnologías en las empresas.

Sólo cuatro países de la UE están por detrás de España

España, que ocupa el puesto 25 a nivel mundial, es el undécimo entre los estados miembros de la Unión Europea. Entre los socios comunitarios, tan sólo supera a Italia (26 en el ranking global), Luxemburgo (27), Portugal (31) y Grecia (42). Cinco de los diez países mejor situados en la lista pertenecen a la Unión Europea: Finlandia (1), Suecia (2), Reino Unido (7), Dinamarca (8) y Alemania (10).

Escrit per CENT - Jordi Adell | 0 comment(s)

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Slashdot publica un artículo sobre gente que se construye sus propios submarinos. El más interesante, según Slashdot, es el Cartsen Standfuss's CSSX-1 (incluye foto).

Escrit per CENT - Jordi Adell | 0 comment(s)

February 21, 2003

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Cita: "At a news conference today University of Minnesota Duluth (UMD) Chancellor Kathryn A. Martin announced the move to "open source" the university's newly created, innovative Electronic Portfolio (ePortfolio) system. ePortfolio is a revolutionary new program of gathering, storing and distributing personal, individual data and information. It is a proven system built on seven years of research, development and practical application at the university. The innovative technology has the ability to dramatically change forever the way a person's individual records are gathered, stored and shared.

University of Minnesota students, faculty and staff can now safely store and access their educational records, work samples, resumes, writing samples, legal documents and other personal data in a secure, globally accessible computing environment. Associate Professor Treuer provided a graphic demonstration of the system; and four UMD students highlighted their portfolios."

UMD eportfolio:

Nota de premsa:


Escrit per CENT - Jordi Adell | 0 comment(s)

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Macteens knows something Apple doesn't want you to know: If you have a PMCIA slot on your computer, but don't have a brand-new Mac, guess what' You can still take advantage of 802.11g. I found a way to make your Mac with a PMCIA slot use one of the 802.11g cards out there, AND recognize it as an Airport Extreme card! As I go through the drivers, the scripts and everything else, I'll simplify it to the maximum extent, and post a tutorial up here. Be warned, you will be editing system files manually, and you have to have the guts to do so.

Option-Shift K Apple Hacker Swag! [MacMerc.com]

Escrit per CENT - Jordi Adell | 0 comment(s)

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Pareix ser que hi han formes de recuperar informació de discs durs petats. Alguns paranoics han cavilat una manera de esborrar la informació de manera definitiva.

Naturalment: és una noticia de Slashdot.

Escrit per CENT - Jordi Adell | 0 comment(s)

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Alfredo Octavio ha escrit un article ("Ojo con la TV") molt interessant i fàcil de llegir sobre EyeTV a Diariox.com.

Escrit per CENT - Jordi Adell | 0 comment(s)

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Quote: "This site was created with one goal in mind. To give you the opportunity to "try out" some of the best php/mysql based free and open source software systems in the world. You are welcome to be the administrator of any site here, allowing you to decide which system best suits your needs."

Comment: see also http://www.cmsinfo.org/ [Serious Instructional Technology]

Escrit per CENT - Jordi Adell | 0 comment(s)

February 22, 2003

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Why Did Google Want Blogger?
Google's recent purchase of Pyra Labs, maker of a weblogging tool called Blogger, has generated much speculation about why the popular search engine did the deal. One man who worked closely with Pyra thinks he knows the answer. By Leander Kahney.

Escrit per CENT - Jordi Adell | 0 comment(s)

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NewsForge: Open Source Security Manual and Training for Ethical Hacking
"It is used by large organizations like the U.S. Treasury Department, Home Depot, Verisign, and IBM, although Herzog says that he has a hard time getting entities that use the manual to talk much about it..." [Linux Today]

Escrit per CENT - Jordi Adell | 0 comment(s)

February 24, 2003

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Vilaweb es fa ressò d'una mort causada per l'spam:

El famós spam del diplomàtic nigerià causa una mort

Milions de persones han rebut el mail que promet grans negocis, que són falsos
En diuen l'spam del diplomàtic nigerià o el frau 4-1-9. És un mail que han rebut milions de persones al món i que ara ha causat una mort. El mail diu que qui l'envia és un diplomàtic nigerià amb problemes que promet una quantitat fabulosa de diners a canvi d'un petit ajut. Hi ha variants diferents del personatge però generalment és "un diplomàtic nigerià". I evidentment es tracta d'un complet frau que fa perdre bous i esquelles a qui pica.

Ara, a Txèquia aquest mail ha causat la primera mort. Un jubilat de Praga va caure en la trampa i va perdre tots els seus estalvis. Es va adreçar a l'ambaixada nigeriana a Praga, que li va dir que no podien fer res. I per venjar-se va matar al cònsol nigerià a Txèquia Michael Lekara Wayid. L'assassí es va lliurar immediatament a les autoritats.

En aquesta web trobareu un arxiu de les diverses versions del mail nigerià i molta informació, en anglès, sobre aquesta pràctica fraudulenta. Sobre el crim trobareu més informació en aquesta pàgina d'AllAfrica.com

Escrit per CENT - Carles Bellver | 0 comment(s)

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Version 2.63 of Movable Type is now released. This is a bug fix release, fixing various localization, XML-RPC, Postgres, and... [Movable Type News]

Escrit per CENT - Jordi Adell | 0 comment(s)

February 25, 2003

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En el "Instant Messaging Planet Spring 2003 Conference and Expo" les grans empreses del sector presenten les seves idees sobre el futur de la missatgeria instantània i sobre "com realitzar el seu pontencial" en el mercat corporatiu. Naturalment, les iniciatives de codi obert com Jabber no pareix que tinguen massa cabuda. El problema, pareix ser, és com convencer al mon dels negocis de que necessiten la MI.
A Google News hi han diverses cròniques del esdeveniment de la premsa habitual.

Escrit per CENT - Jordi Adell | 0 comment(s)

February 26, 2003

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Slashdot publica una història curiosa-terrorífica:
En gener, la American Dialect Society va votar el neologisme "to google" com la paraula més útil del 2002. I ara va i els advocats de Google han enviat una carta d'eixes d'advocats a Paul McFedries, creador del famòs lloc Word Spy, per a que esborre "google" com a verb del seu lexicon. Frank Abate, un dels editors del Oxford English Dictionary, ha senyalat que ningú pot reclamar drets de propietat d'un verb. Pareix que les veus que parlen del poder de Google i del canvi en la seva actitud com a empresa no van massa desencaminades. Estem assistint al principi de la fi de Google?

Per cert, què vol dir "google"? :-)

(GOO.gul) v. To use an Internet search engine such as google.com to look for information related to a new or potential girlfriend or boyfriend. (Note that Google™ is a trademark of Google Technologies Inc.)

Escrit per CENT - Jordi Adell | 0 comment(s)

[Imported from Sierto 1.0]

«Muchos millones de internautas no saben que navegan por la Internet 1 y que la Internet 2 ya es una realidad en unos cuantos países. Pero lo que menos podíamos esperarnos es que la Red que nos aguarda en el futuro no guarde las normas de la progresión numérica y de un salto atrás: la Internet 0. No se trata de la versión 0.0 de Internet, sino del concepto cero en el sentido más literal del término: reducir la Red a su configuración mínima, a los huesos mondos y lirondos. El truco consiste en convertir en un servidor web a cuanto chisme sea capaz de portar un chip de apenas tres euros (desde un enchufe a una bombilla) y, lo más importante de todo, inyectar criterios de eficiencia energética e informativa en los entornos que consideramos "propios de nuestra naturaleza": la vivienda, la calle, los medios de transporte, los centros de trabajo, etc.» [L. A. Fernández Hermana, Internet 0 en en.red.ando]

Escrit per CENT - Carles Bellver | 0 comment(s)

February 28, 2003

[Imported from Sierto 1.0]

Según un artículo de Barrapunto El País ha conseguido 10.000 suscriptores de pago para su edición digital. ¿Es mucho o poco? Algunos lectores de Barrapunto sugieren descontar de dicha cifra a todos los empleados de Prisa (que reciben una suscripción gratis) y a todos los suscripctores de Canal Satélite Digital a los que se ha regalado tres meses de suscripción. A mi me parece un notable triunfo de El País y creo que es sin duda alguna su techo de suscriptores. Ahora, lo que deben hacer es despedir al gurú que les aconsejó hacer pagar por la edición digital y dejarse de chorradas.

Escrit per CENT - Jordi Adell | 0 comment(s)

[Imported from Sierto 1.0]

Según The Inquirer, la Bussines Software Alliance (BSA) se ha visto forzada a pedir disculpas a la Universidad de Muenster por acusarla de distribuir Microsoft Office gratuitament entre sus alumnos. Al parecer la BSA detectó en un servidor de FTP de la universidad un paquete que contenía el OpenOffice. En los mensajes intercambiados entre la BSA y la universidad se dan los detalles de la supuesta infracción y se menciona explícitamente que se trata de OpenOffice. Al parecer la BSA busca una serie de cadenas en los nombres de los ficheros (como "Office") y los mensajes de amenaza se deben envíar sin supervisión de ningún ser inteligente.

Escrit per CENT - Jordi Adell | 0 comment(s)