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CENT :: Blog :: Microsoft, Palladium i el control del coneixement

February 17, 2003

[Imported from Sierto 1.0]

Un article de Chronicle of Higher Education titulat "Control Issues. Microsoft's plan to improve computer security could set off fight over use of online materials" explica detalladament Palladium, la proposta de Microsoft per a tornar les coses al seu lloc:

"Palladium could create 'a closed system, in which each piece of knowledge in the world is identified with a particular owner, and that owner has a right to resist its copying, modification, and redistribution. In such a scenario the very concept of fair use has been lost.' 'Palladium will "turn the clock back" to the days before online information was widely available.' and 'Microsoft could decide to lock everything up.'"

Escrit per CENT - Jordi Adell

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