Just as the Web 2.0 is facilitating a change in the way people interact online, e-Learning 2.0 represents a transformational shift for how the Internet can improve education. Blackboard is excited to work with our clients to help shape and accelerate this transformation.
Els elements d'aquesta «visió» inclouen, entre altres, els següents:
- L'extensió de la plataforma amb extensions desenvolupades per educadors i amb un Global Learning Objects Catalogue. «e-Learning 2.0 is about personalizing the e-Learning environment to be more discipline and pedagogically specific to the educational activity at hand.»
- L'extensió de les xarxes socials en l'entorn acadèmic. «To help foster academically oriented relationships outside of the class environment, Blackboard announces plans to connect students and faculty across disciplines and across institutions through a new Scholar.com Web service.»
- El suport per a l'aprenentatge a llarg termini per mitjà d'e-porfolios. «Blackboard announces a unique "e-Portfolios-for-life" service that will allow Blackboard users to post their portfolios to a central site for long-term use.»
(Recordem: Blackboard = Blackboard + WebCT)