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CENT :: Blog :: Estudio sobre comunidades de desarrolladores de software de código abierto

April 11, 2003

[Imported from Sierto 1.0]

Un estudio de Eugene Eric Kim, titulado An Introduction to Open Source Communities y patrocinado por la Fundación Omidyar, analiza las comunidades de desarrolladores de software de código abierto.


Open source software communities are one of the most successful-and least understood-examples of high-performance collaboration and community-building on the Internet today. Other types of communities could benefit enormously from understanding how open source communities work.

This report describes what open source communities are and how they work. In particular, it addresses the following questions:

  • What is the open source landscape as a whole? How many projects exist, what kinds of software do these projects develop, and how many people are involved with these projects?

  • What are the demographics of those who participate in these communities? Why do they join, and how long do they stay? How do they interact with each other?

  • How do open source communities work? What are the patterns of collaboration within successful open source communities?

In examining these questions, this report discusses existing, relevant research, and presents original case studies of two open source projects: TouchGraph and SquirrelMail. It identifies some patterns of collaboration that both of these projects share, and describes how these patterns might apply to other types of communities. Finally, it reviews what is not yet well understood about open source communities, and proposes several paths for further research.

David Wiley Autounfocus

Escrit per CENT - Jordi Adell

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