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CENT :: Blog :: Smarter, Simpler, Social: An introduction to online social software methodology -Lee Bryant

April 30, 2003

[Imported from Sierto 1.0]

Interessant article sobre el software "social" que serà molt citat en el futur :-)

Lee Bryant (2003). Smarter, Simpler, Social. An introduction to online social software methodology.

Recently, the idea of online communities has been taken a step further to encompass the wider, more general notion of social software. Some practitioners have now started thinking in terms of social software as a successor to online communities, and this has provoked a resurgence of debate over what constitutes an online community, and what we mean by social software.


In the online world, perhaps in addition to building online community structures, we should also focus our efforts on stimulating basic, effective forms of social online interaction with the aim of increasing our capacity to connect with others in general. Some of the best online communities are not built – they emerge.


In summary, social software should be:


XML/RDF/RSS syndication technologies
Distributed, collaborative metadata
Ontology development and the Semantic Web
Adaptive design and context-awareness


Smaller, modular software with common methods and properties
Web services and shared protocols
Usability and ‘unfinished’ user experience design
Shared and open source code


In the way it is conceived: stakeholder engagement, inclusive process
In the way it is built: collaborative development, partnership
In what it does: augments social networking; weblogs, wikis, messaging, etc.
In how it works: adaptive qualities, personalisation, agent technologies, etc.

Escrit per CENT - Jordi Adell

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