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CENT :: Blog :: Blogs a l'Acadèmia

May 09, 2003

[Imported from Sierto 1.0]

Un article de Laura Gibbs a Xplana (Publishing as Teachers: What's Stopping Us?) qüestiona (amb prou seny) la implantació dels weblogs dins dels àmbits acadèmcs:

"Blogging is another interesting challenge to the traditional model of scholarly publishing, and this is why I suspect (sadly) that it will be a long time before it takes hold among university faculty. ...It makes so much sense. It is irresistibly appealing. And I am so afraid that it is not going to happen. Not while we are all still wringing our hands and trying so hard to be scholarly.

Blogging, however, is a very teacherly thing. :-)"

Escrit per CENT - Jordi Adell

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