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CENT :: Blog :: Vida de perros

July 31, 2003

[Imported from Sierto 1.0]

Dave Pollard ha "dibujado" la vida de un blogger. Uff!
En realidad describe el proceso de "blogging":

As we all know, this is a lot of work, and there's never enough time to do it perfectly. I budget 75 minutes/day for reading (the steps in red), 60 minutes/day for writing (green), 15 minutes/day for promotion (blue), and, on the weekend, 60 minutes/week for blog community activities, focused on Salon Blogs, my chosen community. As an empty-nester and night-owl, I do most of this between 8-11pm, but I try to post during prime blog time (5am-5pm) so my posts show up in the 'recently updated' lists when most people are reading.

Depende del dia, ¿no? Pero visto así, se le quitan las ganas a cualquiera.

Escrit per CENT - Jordi Adell

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