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CENT :: Blog :: The dotCommunist Manifesto

September 03, 2003

[Imported from Sierto 1.0]

"A Spectre is haunting multinational capitalism -the spectre of free information. ...". Així comença un texte d'Eben Mogler, de la Columbia Law School, titulat The dotCommunist Manifesto sobre el moviment del lliure accés a la informació. Altament recomanable :-)

I finalitza amb les següents idees...

We are committed to the struggle for free speech, free knowledge,
and free technology. The measures by which we advance that struggle
will of course be different in different countries, but the following will
be pretty generally applicable:

1. Abolition of all forms of private property in ideas.

2. Withdrawal of all exclusive licenses, privileges and rights to use of
electromagnetic spectrum. Nullification of all conveyances of permanent
title to electromagnetic frequencies.

3. Development of electromagnetic spectrum infrastructure that implements
every person’s equal right to communicate.

4. Common social development of computer programs and all other
forms of software, including genetic information, as public goods.

5. Full respect for freedom of speech, including all forms of technical

6. Protection for the integrity of creative works.

7. Free and equal access to all publicly-produced information and all
educational material used in all branches of the public education system.

By these and other means, we commit ourselves to the revolution that
liberates the human mind. In overthrowing the system of private property
in ideas, we bring into existence a truly just society, in which the free
development of each is the condition for the free development of all.


Escrit per CENT - Jordi Adell

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