He llegit això en Kairosnews - A Weblog for Discussing Rhetoric, Technology and Pedagogy:
From CNN:
Between 60 and 70 percent of all households in South Korea have a broadband connection, and cybercafes where students play online games are "almost on every corner," said Taylor Reynolds, one of the authors of a report by the International Telecommunication Union.
Not a suprise since Wired predicted something similar last fall.
[Kairosnews - A Weblog for Discussing Rhetoric, Technology and Pedagogy]
Segons els articles de CNN i Wired, el preu d'una connexió de banda ampla d'uns quants megabits al Japó i Corea és d'uns 24 o 25 dòlars mensuals. I el senyor Soto encara diu que no creu que el preu de l'ADSL/cable a Espanya siga cap problema.