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CENT :: Blog :: Les parets tenen orelles... les hi posa Google?

November 04, 2003

[Imported from Sierto 1.0]

Ara diuen que Google admet haver infiltrat robots en canals de xat per fer alguna mena d'experiment: indexar les converses? prendre nota dels participants?

No sé com ho veieu vosaltres. A mi em fa l'efecte que ja estan traient de polleguera aquesta història de Google com a Gran Germà de la societat de la informació.

Google Indexing IRC?

Tony Collen reports (confirmed by Google and others, apparently) that Google is sending robots to IRC channels (internet chat rooms) as part of some experiment.

Since things said in chat rooms are traditionally considered very private, I can't imagine what they plan to do.

[Google Weblog #]

Escrit per CENT - Carles Bellver

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