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CENT :: Blog :: Jabber i Apple

June 29, 2004

[Imported from Sierto 1.0]

Apple afegirà un servidor iChat basat amb el protocol Jabber en el nou Mac OS X Server 10.4 (Tiger) (i un servidor de weblogs). Més info a Mac OS X Server v10.4 Tiger Preview.

Sobre iChat i Jabber diu:

Your Very Own iChat and Blog Servers You can now host your own iChat server. Instant Messaging serves as a vital means of communication for organizations of all sizes, so it’s useful to deploy and run your own private and secure IM server. Based on the open source Jabber project, the new iChat server in Tiger Server lets your company protect its internal communications by defining its own namespace, using SSL/TLS encryption to ensure privacy, and Kerboros for authorization. The iChat server works with both the iChat client in Mac OS X Tiger and popular open source clients available for Windows, Linux and even PDAs.

EL CENT ja fa més d'un any que va posar en marxa un servidor Jabber experimental: miUJI.

Keywords: Jabber, mac

Escrit per CENT - Jordi Adell

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