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CENT :: Blog :: OpenDocument Format [OpenOffice.org] = ISO 26300

May 04, 2006

Aquesta setmana la ISO ha aprovat el format OpenDocument d'OpenOffice.org com a estàndard per a fitxers ofimàtics (processament de textos, fulls de càlculs, presentacions, etc.). D'ara endavant ja podem parlar de format ISO 26300. Un argument molt important quan es parla de programari amb segons qui.

1 May 2006: The International Standards Organisation has today approved the standard file format to be used worldwide for the storage of files produced by office software (word processor documents, spreadsheets, presentations, drawings, etc.). For the first time in the history of computing, software users will be guaranteed that they will be able to use their data in any compliant software package, both now and in the future. The point of an open standard is that any compliant application can use it.

OpenOffice.org: ISO Press Release
ConsortiumInfo.org Standards blog: OpenDocument Approved by ISO/IEC Members

Keywords: formats, openoffice

Escrit per CENT - Carles Bellver

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