Tony Bates: Understanding the Building Blocks of Online Learning
# 21 noviembre 2013 09:55
Una serie de ocho artículos en Contact North que resumen la aportación de Tony Bates a la educación a distancia y la educación en línea durante las últimas décadas. Vía OLDaily.
- Introduction
- Planning for effective teaching with technology
- How emerging pedagogies map onto the new technologies
- How faculty can support learner success
- How faculty can assure quality in an online learning environment
- Guidelines for faculty from educational technology research
- Costing considerations for hybrid and online courses
- Institutional and faculty roles in strategic planning
His constant message is that most institutions are under-exploiting the potential of technology to respond to the growing pressures for change in post-secondary education. For meaningful improvements, major changes are needed in the prevailing institutional cultures and the way they are managed.