Courses, or learning episodes?

Steve Wheeler clarifica en su blog un tweet que generó interés y debate:

Move away from courses, towards events, experiences, challenges.

El contexto de esta idea es la formación dentro de las organizaciones. Los cursos completos de tipo tradicional resultan cada vez más costosos de producir y menos eficaces. Demasiado contenido, un diseño excesivamente rígido y la falta de enfoque a las necesidades concretas del personal son algunas de los problemas que presentan.

I therefore suggest that learning episodes rather than courses could be the way forward for 'just in time' and 'just enough' learning that is personalised, and delivered at the point of need.  Ultimately, it's a matter of granularity, and an idea based on making all of the components of a course available separately, in any sequence, and deliverable on any platform. Such flexibility is now both achievable and desirable. But how many organisations have the vision to make it happen?