Why Khan Academy Is The Wrong Answer

Del blog de Andrew Campbell (maestro en Ontario, Canadá). Quizá estamos innovando donde no hace falta. Se invierten millones de dólares en la transmisión unidireccional de contenidos, en una época en que los contenidos cuentan menos -porque ya tenemos acceso a más información que nunca- y lo que importa es cómo utilizarlos para aprender, esto es, la interacción y la comunicación. Vía @jsalinasi.

However, the weak link in our current learning paradigm isn't content delivery. Traditional textbooks deliver content efficiently and effectively, and access to content is cheaper and easier than at any other time in history thanks to the internet. It's only with the guidance of a skilled teacher and interaction with other learners that content becomes relevant and engaging. That's what makes good teaching important. Future education is better served by investing in and developing tools that support discussion and interaction, not improving content delivery.