Learning with 'e's: Skills for Learning 2.0

Steve Wheeler: ¿Seguirán siendo las tres 'R' (en inglés: "Reading, Writing and aRithmetic", leer, escribir y aritmética) las destrezas básicas que hay que aprender, o más bien habría que hablar ya de las cuatro 'C' (conexiones, contexto, complejidad y connotación)? Vía @jsalinasi.

He [Mark Federman] declared confidently that for this generation, the three 'R's would not be as important as the four 'C's. Asked to expand on this, he listed the four 'C's: Connection, Context, Complexity and Connotation. Although these are essentially characteristics of modern life, we can contextualise them as skills or literacies. Here are my thoughts and interpretation of Federman's framework, illustrated above with one of my most recent slide graphics [...]