Where are we going with Personal Learning Environments?
Artículo de Graham Attwell para el libro colectivo sobre PLE que están preparando Linda Castañeda y Jordi Adell. El libro se publicará en castellano. Este es el texto original en inglés publicado por el autor en su blog. Los PLE y la tecnología, el propósito y el futuro de la educación, y la relación de los PLE con otras iniciativas y tendencias en tecnología educativa.
Marshall McLuhan said "we shape our tools and then our tools shape us." As a community we need to consciously shape our tools for learning, just as those tools shape the forms and learning which plays such a key role in our personal lives and in our society.
And of course the shape of those tools will inform the future design of our educational institutions and schools. PLEs are not just a tool but are an approach to how we develop and shape those tools.