Clases universitarias para la enseñanza secundaria en UK
The Faculties es un web, patrocinado por el JISC, a traves del cual las universidades inglesas distribuyen videoclases dirigidas a estudaintes de los últimos cursos de secundaria. Los podcast de vídeo, actualmente mas de 360, contienen temas extraidos del curriculum de los títulos preparatorios para el acceso universitario en el Reino Unido (A-level).
The Faculties provides free, short films of university lecturers speaking on topics directly from the A-level curriculum. The subject sites also help students choose a university department that's right for them and shows them what careers may follow their studies and what employers particularly value in graduates.
(...) All our topics are provided by the major exam boards: AQA, Edexcel and OCR. In bringing the expertise of research scholars into the classroom, we stretch and challenge students, help them excel in their assessments, inspire deeper learning and smooth the transition from school to university
Información complementaria: Noticia en el web del JISC