OERs: the good, the bad and the ugly
Tony Bates discute lo bueno (la idea en sí de compartir), lo feo (los contenidos no se suelen diseñar pensando en su uso en otros contextos y en educación a distancia) y lo malo ("hipocresía, elitismo e imperialismo cultural") del movimiento en pro de los recursos educativos abiertos. Insiste en que no se deberían confundir los contenidos con el aprendizaje y advierte de que vender los recursos educativos abiertos como panacea educativa global puede hacer más daño que bien.
I increasingly fear that the open educational resources movement is being used as a way of perpetuating inequalities in education while purporting to be democratic. Some components of OERs also smack of hypocrisy, elitism and cultural imperialism (the bad), as well as failure to apply best practices in teaching and learning (the ugly). Despite my support for the idea of sharing in education (the good), these concerns have been gnawing away at me for some time, so after 42 years of working in open learning, I feel it’s time to provide a critique of the open educational resources 'movement' [...]