Digital portfolios: guidelines for beginners

El Ministeri d'Educació de Nova Zelanda ha publicat unes directrius sobre l'ús de e-portfolios. Adreçades en principi a una audiència sense coneixements teòrics  o tècnics sobre el tema inclouen aspectes com beneficis i resultats del seu ús, planificació, eines disponibles i exemples de diversos centres. 

If you are interested in finding out more about digital portfolios then these guidelines will increase your understanding of the emerging importance and place of ePortfolios in the education of our children. The guidelines are aimed primarily at, but not limited to, a non-technical audience with limited prior knowledge of ePortfolios. If you are a school leader, then the guidelines should provide you with sufficient understanding to enable you to consider the place of ePortfolios in your school’s ongoing educational strategy.

Digital portfolios: guidelines for beginners [PDF; 749 kb]