Interactive Educational Multimedia núm. 9

El número 9 de la revista electrónica Interactive Educational Multimedia, dedicada al ámbito de las tecnologías multimedia aplicadas a la educación, incluye entre otros contenidos un monográfico sobre enfoques constructivistas.

Monographic Articles: -The digital gap: gender and computer games, by Anna Escofet, María José Rubio -Education as the creation of microcultures. From the local community to the virtual network, by José Luis Lalueza, Marc Bria, Isabel Crespo, Sònia Sánchez, Maria José Luque -The virtual construction of the mind: the role of educational psychology, by Carles Monereo -Digital Literacies, by José L. Rodríguez Illera

Peer-Reviewed articles: -A comparison of the advantages and disadvantages of IT based education and the implications upon students, by John O’Donoghue -Critical perspectives on curriculum and ICTs: the 3D model, literacy and computer games, by Catherine Beavis.

Book Review: -Online education, María Victoria Martín