"The Most Thorough Description (to date) of University Experience with MOOC" (OLDaily)

Stephen Downes acerca del artículo de Phil Hill The Most Thorough Description (to date) of University Experience with MOOC. Además de observar que fuera de Estados Unidos (p. e. en Canadá) también ha habido experiencias con MOOC perfectamente documentadas, insiste en qué un modelo basado en buscar profesores, o expertos en el tema, para que generen materiales de aprendizaje (normalmente lecciones grabadas en vídeo) difícilmente va a ser sostenible. En su opinión, el futuro está más bien en las comunidades de aprendizaje.

[...] You'd think no resources existed anywhere on Bioelectricity: A Quantitative Approach before this course was launched. But there are some 296,000 results in Google on bioelectricity. I looked through a few and while some are clearly off topic, the bulk of them are useful resources that could support an open online course. And I've said this before: the model of open online learning where you hire professors or other experts to build bespoke content is not sustainable. It's much more sustainable - and much more educational - to have the learning community source and where necessary create the learning content.