E-Portfolios for Learning: The Portfolio Process in your Pocket

Helen Barrett nos ofrece el borrador de un nuevo artículo sobre la relevancia de los dispositivos móviles para el aprendizaje, desde el punto de vista del eportfolio: Is the Future of ePortfolios in Your Pocket? 

In summary, I'm not convinced that deep reflection can be represented in 140-160 characters of a tweet or SMS message. But this format can be an effective way to document process over time -to capture the moment- and can later be aggregated and analyzed for deeper understanding [...] We have seen the power of digital media in social change; it can also be part of individual transformation through understanding oneself and showcasing achievements in reflective portfolios.
Reflection does not have to be only in text; we can also use the multimedia capabilities of these miniature computers in our pockets to capture voice, images, and video.